Pueo by WOO, photo by Pierre Frechou
Photo by Pierre Frechou @Mr_Ingals

Why is the outrigger of a Polynesian canoe always to the left ?

We settle all this question: but why is the poutrigger to the left? Our western and Cartesian logic would want that we can position this one to the right or to the left according to the sea conditions. Would not it be sensible in case of long edge with a crosswind to being able to put him to the right if the wind and waves come to us by the left? The Balinese canoe, so have, when they have only a outrigger, positioned indifferently to the right or to the left. After numerous searches, the only explanation which we can move forward cultural of order: The Polynesian indeed consider that the canoe is the only inanimate object which is endowed with a soul. So the canoe is baptized and is a part of circle family. Heart of man being to the left, thus the ama (pendulum in Polynesian) is positioned to the left … The only exception concerns the Hawaiian dugouts 4 places of surfing (OC4): we shall position the ama to the left if wave is a left (wave which unwinds from left to right seen by the edge) or a right (wave which unwinds from right to left seen by the edge). Let us specify that the OC4 is a Hawaiian exception. Traditionally, Tahitians had V1, V3, V6 and V12 (two V6 in catamaran) and the Hawaiian of OC4 and OC6. The practice of the OC1 and/or the OC2 having popularized only there is around thirty year in Hawaii by the design of what was going to become a new and full practice: the downwind in OC1 …

Posté par Fanny Ringrave

Fanny Ringrave

Chargée de Marketing chez Woo

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